Friday, January 23, 2009


Beyonce Knowles: For crimes against music.

Flipping through the channels on Inauguration night, I caught part of Beyonce's performance of the song "At Last," as the Obamas danced the first dance of the many, many Inaugural galas. I was blown away by the power and beauty of her voice in service of what is a truly timeless and well-crafted song.

That such talent should be wasted upon such drivel as... well, just about everything she's otherwise sung... is a travesty. Her voice is far too good to interpret dreck like "Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)," a singularly annoying, tuneless and fatuous waste of three minutes and ten seconds -- time that I will never get back.

Sure, people listen to it... stupid people. To a certain extent, I would guess that some do so only because they can simultaneously think about what a hottie she is. My feeling, though, is that if you want to listen to music, then listen to music -- and if you want to see T&A, then go to a strip club. And never the twain should meet.

The Buggles were right: Video killed the radio star... and popular music.

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