Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What Is A Sport?

Random thought of the day...

How does one define what is a sport, and what is not? This is the question that momentarily passed through my addled mind today. (As has been famously said about pornography, I'm not sure that I can define it, but I know it when I see it.)

To me, I guess, a sport involves the following:
A) A ball, puck, or other such object.
B) A goal over or through which either the ball/puck or a player must pass.
C) Esoteric rules that limit one's ability to reach that goal.
D) Other players trying to stop you from reaching that goal.
E) Scores kept of how many times that goal is reached.

So, using that definition, what activities can be considered sports? Well, there are the obvious ones:

1. Football (including Canadian, Arena and Australian Rules)
2. Basketball
3. Baseball (and its bastard children, Softball and Kickball)
4. Hockey
5. Lacrosse
6. Polo (and, by extension, Water Polo)
7. Cricket (Baseball's crazy cousin)
8. Rugby (Football's retarded cousin)

Then there are a couple of them that just barely make it:

9. Tennis (real and Table)
10. Soccer (because it's so damned boring)

And that's all I can think of. Anything else in the sporting world just seems more like an activity that involves, to a greater or lesser degree, some athletic ability. Golf? No defenders. Boxing? Wrestling? Not unless acting is also a sport. Nascar? No ball or puck, just rednecks turning left.

Any other suggestions out there?

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